The Star Gazers

Star Gazing or We Make Our Own Constellations or Pizza With The Stars… I am finishing up this new painting. I’ve always been fascinated with the stars. (Minus one unfortunate semester of Astronomy 2 in college). There is something, for me at least, very comforting looking up into a night sky full of stars. I loved learning about all of the constellations and the mythology behind them. When I was younger, I even had my own planetarium I could put in the middle of my bedroom at home that would project the stars onto the walls and ceiling. I also really love making up my own constellations. It is freeing to see all the possibilities; kind of a celestial connect the dots. This also works with ceiling glow-in-the-dark stars quite well, even on cloudy evenings.

I haven’t actually had a pizza party while star gazing… but that seems like a really fun thing to do.