Making Happy Art

There are a lot of reasons why painters paint or artists make art. I paint because I like to make happy art. I think happy art makes happy people. On some level I believe that art can make you feel better. If you surround yourself with pictures that make you smile and that infuse you with positive energy, I believe it can make you a happier person.

I try to make art that makes people smile, or laugh. My art can be somewhat child like and simple. I have always been inspired by artists and designers that work in simple bold shapes and colors.


Some folks may find this a little cheesy and my art a little simple… and I’m okay with that. It is what it is! It isn’t for everyone. Whether my painting is your cup of tea or not, you should find art that makes you feel good and cover the walls in your life with it! You just might start feeling better and better!

Above: Here Comes The Ice Cream Truck 2017, The Big Round Sun 2018, The Lady With The Tooty Fruity Casserole 2014, Kindness Balloon 2019